Webinar Fighting COVID-19 with Ultrasound – Ultrasound Waves after Second Waves of Infection
Monday, 11th of May
Saturday, 16th of May

The Ultrasound Study Group of The Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine (NEEco), invites everyone committed with the assistance of COVID-19 patients to participate in the 2nd and 3rd part of the International webinar “Fighting COVID -19 with Ultrasound”, scheduled for the 11th of May as 18:00 (GMT) and the 16th of May at 18:00 (GMT).
The sequels to the first webinar will cover the following topic, ‘Ultrasound Waves after Second Waves of Infection’, with the understanding that the concurrent pandemic is crossing a crucial phase where our healthcare systems will need to adapt and respond.
Fighting COVID-19 with Ultrasound will put together renowned experts and leaders of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) in their communities.

José Mariz, MD
As coordinator of NEEco, he is the host of this event. Specialist in Internal Medicine in the Emergency Department of Hospital Braga in Portugal. Invited Lecturer and Researcher at the School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga.

Michael Blaivas,MD, MBA, FACEP, FAIUM
An emergency physician from St Francis Hospital Emergency Department in Columbus, Georgia, United States of America. Dr Blaivas is a pioneer of point-of-care ultrasound. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles on point-of-care ultrasound and multiple book chapters. Additionally, he is the editor of 6 medical textbooks. Along with his research interests, he is a founding member of the World Interactive Network For Critical Ultrasound (WINFOCUS) and Society of Ultrasound in Medical Education (SUSME), having served as president of both.

Costantino Caroselli, MD
Emergency and Urgency Medicine and Geriatric Doctor from the Geriatric Emergency Room and Aging Research Center in Ancona, Italy. He is the Director of several courses of point-of-care ultrasound across Italy with several peer-review publications on ultrasound.

Yale Tung Chen, MD, PhD
Emergency medicine physician who recovered from COVID-19 infection. He currently serves as the Director of the Ultrasound Division at Hospital Universitario La Paz in Madrid, Spain.

Thiago Santos, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Medical Coordinator of the Emergency Intensive Care Unit of the General Hospital of the University of Campinas – Unicamp, Brazil. His main research field is based on the role of point-of-care ultrasound in the assessment of septic patients and medical education.

Robert Arntfield, MD
Dr. Arntfield is an intensivist and traumatologist at Western University where he also serves as the medical director of London Health Sciences Centre’s Critical Care Trauma Centre. He is co-author of the textbook: Point-of-Care Ultrasound and is director of the critical care ultrasound program at Western University. A past course leader for the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) critical care ultrasonography program and a founding member of the National Board of Echocardiography’s exam and certification on critical care echocardiography, Dr. Arntfield is particularly enthusiastic resuscitative ultrasound and applications of transesophageal echocardiography in critical illness and cardiac arrest.

Mónica Diniz, MD
Radiologist, practicing until January 2019 at the University Hospital Center of Algarve (Portugal), responsible for the coordination of the Ultrasound area of the Radiology Department. Currently practicing in Faro, at the Hospital Particular do Algarve Group. Funding member and board member of the recently created APRANEMN (Portuguese Society of Radiology, Neuroradiology and Nuclear Medicine).

Jorge Teixeira, MD
Is the Director of the Emergency Department and a member of the Clinical Directorate of Hospital de Braga. Head of Internal Medicine Service, co-author of the book Manual de Urgências e Emergências (LIDEL editions), member of the reorganization committee of the Urgent Services and trainer in several areas of emergency medicine. With an interest in aspects of leadership, team management and communication techniques in an urgent context, he has also recently been a profound enthusiast in the use of ultrasound. His dream is to write the history of ultrasound as a matter of urgency in Comics, being the greatest collector of Portuguese Comics of the early 20th century.
Part II
Monday, 11th of May – 18:00 (Lisbon time)
COVID-19 Pandemics and numbers – a Portuguese perspective – Jorge Teixeira
Recent advances on Thoracic Ultrasound in COVID-19 Pandemics – Michael Blaivas
Recents advances on the use of Thoracic CT scan an X-Ray in the COVID-19 Pandemics – Mónica Diniz
This section will conclude with a discussion – moderated by José Mariz.
Part III
Saturday, 16th of May – 18:00 (Lisbon time)
We will shift our focus towards clinical aspects of integrating Ultrasound in the evaluation of suspected/confirmed cases of COVID-19, with foresight the use of ultrasound in the following waves of infection. Our speakers will give their personal views, based on the experience of the last months.
Introduction to the use of US in COVID-19, a perspective from Canada – Robert Arntfield
US in the Emergency Department and Triage, a perspective from Portugal – José Mariz
Correlations between Thoracic CT scan and US in COVID-19, a perspective from Italy – Costantino Caroselli
Thoracic US in the follow-up of COVID-19, a perspective from Spain –Yale Tung Chen
Cardiac US in COVID-19, a perspective from Brazil – Thiago Santos
This section will conclude with a discussion – moderated by Robert Arntfield