Notícias NECO

Webinar Fighting COVID-19 with Ultrasound – Ultrasound Waves after Second Waves of Infection

Monday, 11th of May Saturday, 16th of May The Ultrasound Study Group of The Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine (NEEco), invites everyone committed with the assistance of COVID-19 patients to participate in the 2nd and 3rd part of the International webinar "Fighting COVID -19 with Ultrasound", scheduled for the 11th of May as 18:00 (GMT)… Ver mais

Webinar Fighting COVID-19 with Ultrasound

The Ultrasound Study Group of The Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine (NEEco), invites everyone committed with the assistance of COVID-19 patients to participate in this webinar. NEEco wants to create an event which could inspire and foster the applications of POCUS in the front line of the fight against COVID-19. We will discuss Clinical Cases,… Ver mais

NEECO Course 1 Mission Control Center

Histórico: o Curso 1 do NEECO deu o seu primeiro passo, quase a festejar os 50 anos da mítica missão da Apollo 11!… Ver mais

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